The Development News

November 1st, 2019
The Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa ground breaking ceremony was held on November 1st, 2019 at the construction site at Providence Estate in the Roseau Valley, marking yet another major achievement for the people and Government in Dominica's economic growth.

October 25th, 2019
Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa will officially break ground at 3pm on November 1st, 2019 at the construction site, Providence Estate, Roseau Valley.

February 11th, 2019
An Agreement for the development and construction of a 5-Star Eco Resort, “Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa”, was signed between the Government of Dominica and Vital Developers Ltd. (the Project Developer) on February 11th, 2019.

January 28th, 2019
Moves towards the construction of the Sanctuary Rainforest Eco Resort and Spa in Dominica garnered the interest of the public as well as important local stakeholders, such as the Invest Dominica Authority and in particular, the Dominica Physical Planning Division.